Majestic II

[*Note: Majestic I is here.-Ed.] A rare White Humpback McWhalerson was spotted off Australia’s Queensland Coast on Monday, and there’s hope that it is Australia’s famed “Migaloo,” but that’s still not confirmed. (That’s an Aboriginal name which means “White Fella.” Which seems just about right.) Of course, Big Mig has his own Twitter account. (Mashable […]

Read More Majestic II
August 10, 2015

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Who’s Up For Some Bebeh Orca Fun?

This young Orca Calf is J50 (named by the Pacific Whale Watch Association,) was spotted swimming with her family in the Salish Sea near British Columbia. Terrific photos by Clint Rivers! (Mashable.) [*Note- That’s all for tonight- we’re rolling out the brand new 2016 C.O. Calendars tomorrow morning—stay tuned! Well, go to bed and all, […]

Read More Who’s Up For Some Bebeh Orca Fun?
July 27, 2015

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