Next Stop, Boxhab

While we hoomins most likely wouldn’t intentionally fall asleep like this (hello, chiropractor bills) kittehs have NO problem folding themselves up however and wherever they like. (Maru, for example.) And so we see that our newcomer Purrsephone is back, showing off her comfy new bed! “Every time we think Purrsephone can’t get cuter. She does […]

Read More Next Stop, Boxhab
January 5, 2016

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Remember YOUR First Box?

It was sooooooo long ago, right? “If I fits I sits.” We’re privileged to be able to visit this kitteh’s very first Box Experience, in his/her long road to the inevitable box-hab treatment center. But ya know—-boxes aren’t JUST for kittehs. Ask Porkchop. Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Boxhab, kitteh, redonk, slobberknocker action

Read More Remember YOUR First Box?
December 14, 2015

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Someone Needs To Watch Maru’s Channel

Humbaba The Great decided that the Maru Box Philosophy of “If I Fits I Sits” wasn’t quite working for him, so he just crushed the box and fell asleep. Works for me. “I’d say Humbaba the Great found his happy place,” says Joy.Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Boxhab, cat

Read More Someone Needs To Watch Maru’s Channel
October 20, 2015

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Someone Needs Boxhab

And it’s NOT Maru. Nope, no cats at all. This…is Diesel. (As you can tell from the video, she says his name 10 times though it seems like a hundred.) And Diesel is not gonna give that box up. Not a chance. From Tracy B., Stacy M., and Connie C.Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Boxhab, Bulldoggersons, […]

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A Cat’s Guide To Boxes

It would be easy to assume that Maru started the “Cats love boxes” craze. The Round One will stuff himself into anything, after all. And then there’s the whole “If It Fits I Sits” meme. With that said, Celebrity Kittehs Cole & Marmalade present their own “A Cat’s Guide To Boxes.” Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: […]

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August 4, 2015

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