Brother Cream UPDATE!

Always fun to check in on Hong Kong’s #1 Cat AKA Brother Cream, to see what he’s up to. Last time we checked…BC was sleeping. As the above photo suggests, he hasn’t changed much. Well, he’s eating, too. Sleeping and eating- just goes to show, wherever you are in the world- the places may change, […]

Read More Brother Cream UPDATE!
April 9, 2015

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Brother Cream UPDATE!

Always fun to check in on Hong Kong’s #1 Cat AKA Brother Cream, to see what he’s up to. Last time we checked…BC was sleeping. As the above photo suggests, he hasn’t changed much. Well, he’s eating, too. Sleeping and eating- just goes to show, wherever you are in the world- the places may change, […]

Read More Brother Cream UPDATE!
April 9, 2015

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