Time To Play…The Name Game!

Lucky K. is stuck for a name for the little guy. Or..girl. We’ll need to chick check on that. “Dancin’ chick doesn’t have a name yet, but ABBA is a strong contender. The photos were shot by me, Lucy K., in the chicks temporary residence, our laundry room.” Can you think of a name for […]

Read More Time To Play…The Name Game!
May 18, 2015

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Time To Play…The Name Game!

Lucky K. is stuck for a name for the little guy. Or..girl. We’ll need to chick check on that. “Dancin’ chick doesn’t have a name yet, but ABBA is a strong contender. The photos were shot by me, Lucy K., in the chicks temporary residence, our laundry room.” Can you think of a name for […]

Read More Time To Play…The Name Game!
May 18, 2015

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