Seeds Wait For No One Munk

Chippy is back, and oh look. She’s mowing down another dish of seeds. What a surprise! That’s all for this week, folks- back soon with another edition of Rats, It’s Monday…new Maru and Hana..and a new video from Navann The Scooting Bebeh Trunkster!Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Chippy The Munk

Read More Seeds Wait For No One Munk
May 4, 2015

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Chock Full I’ Nuts

You’ve heard of “Tiny Houses,” haven’t you? Those great little houses that are about thiiiiiis big? Chippy got one and she is moving IN! From Don W.Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Chippy The Munk

Read More Chock Full I’ Nuts
April 21, 2015

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