Can We Get A Little Rule #fifty eight Here?

It’s one of the newer Rules, so perhaps you haven’t committed it to memory yet. Here we go: Rule of Cuteness #58: If you’re flyin’ with one flap up, that’s cute. Yeah, you can see the other one- barely- but it’s smooshed under. We also got an email directly from The Derpy One shown above […]

Read More Can We Get A Little Rule #fifty eight Here?
January 11, 2016

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Toesday Too: “He Is The Zoomies”

Tracy B. says, “This is a goofball cat I am taking care of named Indiana Jones–aka Indy. Indy’s mom Susan got a job in China and has had to go travel for a while, so I have been keeping Indy at my house till her return. Indy is a complete clown at all times. He […]

Read More Toesday Too: “He Is The Zoomies”
December 30, 2015

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Happy (Late, Sorry) First BD to Camilla Barker Freckletocks

Congratulations and Pupcakes all around, CBF! “Happy Birthday to Camilla Barker Freckletocks! She turned 1 year old Monday!” -Joy. [*Note: C.O.’s Star Wars Day is coming up….next. -Ed.]Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Derpy, whackadoodle puppeh, Ya Say It’s Yer Birthday

Read More Happy (Late, Sorry) First BD to Camilla Barker Freckletocks
December 18, 2015

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I’m Not Tilting- You Are

May The Derp Be With You, Chase. “This is my dog cousin, Chase (named after Dr. Chase from “House.”) My uncle says this is her “WTF” look. He says he had just gotten his iPad and she was thinking ‘WTF is that dad?’ But once she realized other people could see her through the new […]

Read More I’m Not Tilting- You Are
December 16, 2015

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All I Want For Christmas….Is A Goat

Well, I don’t know what to say about this. So I’m just gonna toss ‘er out there. Because Goats. [*Note: This IS a real thing. Listen to the entire album on Spotify. According to their website, “ActionAid is an international movement working for global justice and sustainable development.” -Ed.] And oh look. We’ve got more […]

Read More All I Want For Christmas….Is A Goat
December 15, 2015

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