Emma The Sea Otter isn’t messing around at the Audubon Aquarium of the Americas in New Orleans. She wants whatever’s in those big black cauldron’s and she wants it NOW. Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Halloween 2015, Sea Otter

Read More GIVE. ME. THAT!
October 31, 2015

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THIS JUST IN: Gizmo The Fruit Bat Halloween Action!

I don’t know that you’ll see Tiny Fruit Bat Puppehs swooping overhead where you are tonight- but if you do, be sure to give ’em a snorgle. (We see they are partial to booberries and watermelon.) (The Giz c/o Jess L.)Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Fruit Bat, Halloween 2015, puppeh

Read More THIS JUST IN: Gizmo The Fruit Bat Halloween Action!
October 31, 2015

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