The Happiest Hammiest Place On Earth™!

Walt Disney World is without a doubt The Happiest Place On Earth. So naturally, Tiny Hamster wanted to check it out. Off we go!! (Let’s go behind the scenes, shall we?) Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Hammy!

Read More The Happiest Hammiest Place On Earth™!
August 11, 2015

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I Need These Right Now

From The Land With The Coolest Toys Ever aka The Big J comes this set of….eight Hamsters that hang on the side of your drinking glass. These are known as “Gashapon, or Gachapon.” To review: Right. An onomatopoeia. I knew that. Now let’s see what we have. These are $2.50 USD, and the maker is […]

Read More I Need These Right Now
May 22, 2015

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Bear And Chloe

As you get ready to settle in for bed (if you haven’t already) take a peek at this shot of Bear The Hammie and his big sister, Chloe The Kitteh. Totally comfortabuhls and stuff. From Megan R. P.S.- BONUS HAMMIE-HANCE! Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: BFFs, cat, Hammy!

Read More Bear And Chloe
April 20, 2015

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What In The World…

…is going ON here? Well, a Tiny Hammie has decided to gnew its way through a stuffed Capybara! Big J. Of course. (RocketNews24)Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Hammy!

Read More What In The World…
April 14, 2015

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