Do You Remember Your Favourite Toy?

Growing up, mine was probably Major Matt Mason, the astronaut from Mattel. Hattie The Westie, on the other hand, only has eyes for her Green Rabbit. I don’t think I got quite as frenzied with my Astronaut as Hattie does with her Rabbit! Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Hattie The Westie

Read More Do You Remember Your Favourite Toy?
September 1, 2015

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Go, Hattie, GO!

When you suddenly find yourself being chased in the garden by a hoomin with a hi-res GoPro camera, whadya do? PLAN A: RUN LIKE THERE’S NO TOMORROW. Or, PLAN B: Whoops, there IS no Plan B. Keep running, Hattie! (Nice Scottish Plaid collar there, too. Izzat new?) Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Hattie The Westie, UK […]

Read More Go, Hattie, GO!
August 4, 2015

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