Know Your Mythical Forest Creatures

When traveling the frozen woods of Norway, beware of Trekronhjort, the mythical three-headed stag. According to legend, Trekronhjort will grant a wish to anyone who encounters it; a remarkable 97 percent of the time, that wish is “please don’t rip me to pieces with your antlers.” Via Reddit.Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Hoofers

Read More Know Your Mythical Forest Creatures
May 22, 2015

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Whatever Floats Your Goat

Friends, in farms everywhere, a silent tragedy unfolds: baby goats born with legs too short to reach the ground. For the innocents burdened with this mysterious affliction, life is an everyday struggle. Moving from place to place, even the joyful act of leaping in the air, are impossible dreams. But there is hope. With research, we […]

Read More Whatever Floats Your Goat
April 8, 2015

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