What Iz You Doing, Hoomin?

[While you’re rolling that thing back and forth, I have the rumblies in my tummeh. How ’bout Friskies™ now?] “I found this on Youtube and thought it would put a smile on people’s faces,” says Angie A.Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Hoomin Interaction, kitties

Read More What Iz You Doing, Hoomin?
August 24, 2015

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What Iz You Doing, Hoomin?

[While you’re rolling that thing back and forth, I have the rumblies in my tummeh. How ’bout Friskies™ now?] “I found this on Youtube and thought it would put a smile on people’s faces,” says Angie A.Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Hoomin Interaction, kitties

Read More What Iz You Doing, Hoomin?
August 24, 2015

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