Need Some Entertainment For The Office Party?

Just call MAYMO’S MUSICAL MUTTS DJ Service and they’ll send out one of their top jocks to spin your party right into the Christmas Spirit! (*Note: Was going to put a fake 1-800 # on here but then thought, “what if someone answers?” So I dialed it and yep, someone’s got a variation on 1-800-MAYMO, […]

Read More Need Some Entertainment For The Office Party?
December 21, 2015

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Nice Tree, Mames

Maymo has himself a giant Christmas tree made of 800 plastic water bottles. All stacked up nice and neat. Given the catastrophes that follow Maymo, we can pretty well guess what happens, no?
Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Christmas 2015, Maymo

Read More Nice Tree, Mames
December 16, 2015

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Ever Wanted To Nom A Balloon?

As an allegedly higher form of life, we hoomins know not to do this. Maymo, however, is smarter than ALL of us- and he wants to do it anyway. Observe:
Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Maymo

Read More Ever Wanted To Nom A Balloon?
December 2, 2015

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