At The Tone, It Will Be: eleven:59pm PT, Nosevember thirtieth

That means we have ONE minute to get the very last post for Nosevember up. ACK! And here it is. “Thank you for the daily joy you bring ussss! This is my friend’s dog and his beautiful little schnozzle. He is a seven and a half month old chocolate “Pupsicle” (Puppy + Popsicle) and I […]

Read More At The Tone, It Will Be: eleven:59pm PT, Nosevember thirtieth
December 1, 2015

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Kissing Nosevember Goodbye

Though it’s still Nosevember here on the West Coast, we’re now officially into December back east, so we gotta start windin’ things down. But…not quite yet! Who do we have here? “Dear CuteOverload~ As we kiss Nosevember goodbye in order to make way for Christmas, I’d like to share a photo of Juni the Wonderbunny […]

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Prosh Pommie Power!

We still have time to get this Little Button Nose the post it deserves, do we not? It’s still Nosevember! This is my gentle, soft and fluffy Dolce,” writes Lisa C. of Rhode Island. “She is so pretty! She barks too much, and sleeps on my head at night, but I just love her to […]

Read More Prosh Pommie Power!
November 30, 2015

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Prosh Pommie Power!

We still have time to get this Little Button Nose the post it deserves, do we not? It’s still Nosevember! This is my gentle, soft and fluffy Dolce,” writes Lisa C. of Rhode Island. “She is so pretty! She barks too much, and sleeps on my head at night, but I just love her to […]

Read More Prosh Pommie Power!
November 30, 2015

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Grand Nosevember Finale!

Time for a big ol’ honkin’ Nosevember Finale. Thank you to all the hoomins who sent in their photos! Above, we have Dingo The Saucy Bossy Wahwah from Heather & Brandon O. Other names and assorted comments are in the hovers, right? And….here we go! And…… beak. Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: It would be too […]

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November 30, 2015

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Lilly Want A Banana?

“Hi there! I don’t think you can finish Nosevember without having at least one Bull Terrier, they’re at least 80% nose 😀 . This is our pup Lilly! She’s waiting patiently for a banana. Credits: Jam N.”Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: dogs, Nosevember 2015

Read More Lilly Want A Banana?
November 30, 2015

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Good Grief! Just A Reminder:

1.) Today is the last day of Nosevember, and Snoopy’s Snoot definitely qualifies in that regard. 2.) A Charlie Brown Christmas is on tonight (check local listings!) 3.) This image is part of a desktop wallpaper series from the Snoopy Big J. site- download yours here.Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Blockhead, Nosevember 2015

Read More Good Grief! Just A Reminder:
November 30, 2015

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