Eddy The Destroyer

Sounds like a late-night B movie on Cable Access Channel D, doesn’t it? “Who’s willing to risk a few scratches? This is Eddy the Destroyer (who destroys all things and has the fluffiest belly ever). Of course, I love him to pieces. He would be honoured to appear on CO. (And it is OK that […]

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August 27, 2015

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June Is Adopt-A-Shelter-Cat Month

It most certainly is~ check this link for some details on adopting a shelter furrball! Oh and BTW: this just in from Harvie Ruth S. of The Cat House On The Kings: “This ridiculously cute kitten is named Triscuit ~ and she’s currently enjoying life in foster care. She should be adoptable from CHOTK in […]

Read More June Is Adopt-A-Shelter-Cat Month
June 1, 2015

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ResQte Of The Week (Friday Edition:) This Kitteh’s All Heart

Super looking Batman Head, too! “Hello! Jess Lessard said that I could send you this…she found a litter of kittens in her carport, scooped them up, and now they are at The Cat House on the Kings. (And she’s been photographing them.) He has a heart on his tummy! (I’m The Cat House on the […]

Read More ResQte Of The Week (Friday Edition:) This Kitteh’s All Heart
May 15, 2015

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ResQte Of The Week (Friday Edition:) This Kitteh’s All Heart

Super looking Batman Head, too! “Hello! Jess Lessard said that I could send you this…she found a litter of kittens in her carport, scooped them up, and now they are at The Cat House on the Kings. (And she’s been photographing them.) He has a heart on his tummy! (I’m The Cat House on the […]

Read More ResQte Of The Week (Friday Edition:) This Kitteh’s All Heart
May 15, 2015

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Caturday Morning: Man, What A Night I Had…

[….must…get…to…the…coffee. I will never again do what I did last night. If I could only remember what it was I did. And where I did it. BTW, how did I get here? And where is here? So many questions, so little coffee.] (Rowdy Kittens.)Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Belleh Floof, Caturday Morning, kittehs, MUST. SNORGLE. BELLEH., […]

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From Submitter Diane B.: “Here’s my 11 month old Scottish Fold cat, Primrose. She enjoys playing with ping pong balls, sleeping 20 hours a day, and putting her paw on my cheek and slow blinking at me.” 🙂 Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Belleh Floof, kitteh, MUST. SNORGLE. BELLEH.

Read More Primrose
May 6, 2015

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