Looking Prosh In Pasadena!

Just the right size for a Christmas stocking, no? “I would like to submit some photos of our shelter kittens in their new Holiday Sweateuw. These kittens are hoping the sweateuws will help get them a home for the holidays. Photos are credited to Pasadena Humane Society. Thanks for your consideration.” -Jamie H.Filed under: Uncategorized […]

Read More Looking Prosh In Pasadena!
December 15, 2015

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Preeeeeee-senting…THE AMAZING THEO!

Let’s welcome this little knucklehead to C.O., shall we? Quoting his very own FB page: “I am a poly-toed kitten in Austin, Texas. I enjoy snuggling, chasing my tail, & waking up my owners by sitting on their face!” (Gabrielle F.)Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Batman Head, kitteh

Read More Preeeeeee-senting…THE AMAZING THEO!
December 10, 2015

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‘Tis The Season

A lot of folks have either already put up their tree or are doing it this weekend. Looks like Tank here already has the lights out and everything! “Tank ‘helping’ with the Christmas tree lights.” -Angela T.”Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Batman Head, Christmas 2015, German Sheppehs

Read More ‘Tis The Season
December 2, 2015

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