Caturday Afternoon Haiku, Because Why Not?

A cat yoga pose. Inhale. Reach front paws. Relax. Sunbeam is a must. ~ ~ ~ “This is my rescue Fiona. She practices yoga for well being and health. Her nose and paws have been featured on C.O. (thank you) and now the rest of her!” -Deb M. & Fiona =^..^= [*Note: Haiku also provided […]

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Caturday: “Jack, Your P S’ Clock Is Here”

Jack the Cat Masseuse is giving Bella the Great Dane the complete treatment, and Bella doesn’t seem to mind one bit. [*Note: Annoying Hoomin Commentary included- consider killing the volume when playing. -Ed.] Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: BFFs, Cats, Caturday Afternoon, dogs, Unfortunate Hoomin Interaction

Read More Caturday: “Jack, Your P S’ Clock Is Here”

“Hey Honey? Did You Put The New Cat Door In?”

[Yeah. But I don’t think it’s gonna go over so well. We’ll see. But the first signs are not encouraging.” (Squid.)Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Caturday Afternoon, Hey Honey, Hoomin Interaction, In YOUR FACE, TCB-Typical Cat Behavior

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