This Post Is For The Birds!

No, not The Birds. It’s National Bird Day today! So let’s celebrate with some Sooty Owls at the Taronga Zoo, eh? Bless their sooty little heart-shaped faces! [Like how they swivel their little heads around. -Ed] From Zooborns, photos by Lorinda Taylor.Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Birds, Encore Presentayshe, Owls

Read More This Post Is For The Birds!
January 5, 2016

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Hey Kids! What Day Is It?

(In unison: BUNNNNNNNN-DAY!!!) Arefin03 is a photographer in Dhaka, Bangladesh. He submitted these photos to Bored Panda and we’re happy to present them to you on this Bunday! Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Bunday, Encore Presentayshe

Read More Hey Kids! What Day Is It?
January 3, 2016

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The Return Of Biscuit

Lots of you are getting ready to wrap up your Christmas holiday vacation..just like ol’ Biscuit here! Cuteporter Cheryl G. fills us in. “Last summer I sent a few pictures of my cute dog Biscuit visiting Paris, France. As she is a frequent flyer coming from The Netherlands, living in Sweden now but with a […]

Read More The Return Of Biscuit
December 31, 2015

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Friday Haiku: Happy Holly-Daze

Small furry puppehs All dressed up in Christmas stuff They did not want to Le Creditos~ 1.) Photograph of Bentley by Kathleen P. 2.) Miko from Kate. 3.) Jackie by Paul C. 4.) Theodore Edward von Bearenstein (aka Teddy) -Sara L. 5.) From Reddit. 6.) Lucy & Leo from Erin E.Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Christmas […]

Read More Friday Haiku: Happy Holly-Daze
December 25, 2015

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