This Post Is For The Birds!

No, not The Birds. It’s National Bird Day today! So let’s celebrate with some Sooty Owls at the Taronga Zoo, eh? Bless their sooty little heart-shaped faces! [Like how they swivel their little heads around. -Ed] From Zooborns, photos by Lorinda Taylor.Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Birds, Encore Presentayshe, Owls

Read More This Post Is For The Birds!
January 5, 2016

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Working Lunch

[OK guys, we need to plan the company Christmas party. First thing, order plenty of seed. And we have to make sure NO ONE spikes the egg nog this year. We all remember those drunk Tapirs from accounting, we had to call security, total buzzkill, blah blah blah. OK. What’s next?” ~ ~ ~ “This […]

Read More Working Lunch
December 8, 2015

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#TBT: Happy Thanksgiving! And Now, A Thanksgiving Song

A Thanksgiving Song Let’s sing it together, everyone. Ready? “I aaaate too moishe Too moishe is what I ate I ate too moishe I ate too moishe I ate too moishe IIIIIIII aaaaaaaaate too mooooishe!” [Throwback Thursday Original Posting™. -Ed.]Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Birds, Blorp, Encore Presentayshe

Read More #TBT: Happy Thanksgiving! And Now, A Thanksgiving Song
November 26, 2015

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Got seed? That’s what we need to get this TGIF! party started! “I think I can detect some Baroo here…” -Nikki (from Macon, GA.) [*Note: I don’t know about a Baroo- but Side-Eye for sure.” -Ed.]Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Birds, TGIF

Read More TGIF!
November 20, 2015

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(Gawrsh, I’m So Nervous)

(Oh, these blind dates are nerve-wracking, I never know what to do… Am I supposed to say something, or does she say something? I think I have some bird seed stuck in my beak; is she staring at it? Aww, and I forgot to put on my under-wing deodorant, pee-yew!) Via Clint Mason.Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Birds

Read More (Gawrsh, I’m So Nervous)
October 22, 2015

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Just The Second Kookaburra EVER

C.O. hasn’t had a Kookaburra photo since way back in November of 2006! We deeply regret this oversight, and lay some Kookaburra Action on you RIGHT NOW. Get a load of THIS little beakster! (Imgur/Reddit.)Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Birds, OZ

Read More Just The Second Kookaburra EVER
October 19, 2015

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