Ferret Friday (Halloween Edition)

Do NOT..repeat N-O-T…leave your Skeleton Cookie sitting out. The Furry Kneesocks With Eyes will STEAL it! And while we’re on the subject of Ferrets, let’s watch this quick video on Ferret Halloween safety. (Or, as the hoomin says, “Click Or Treat.”) The Cute Overload Halloween 2015 Celebrayshe continues…Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Ferret Friday, Halloween 2015

Read More Ferret Friday (Halloween Edition)
October 30, 2015

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Ferret Friday BONUS!

Just came across this article c/o Bored Panda…… It seems Komari (above) was found when she was just five weeks old. (The article says five months, but no way.) Her new hoomin family happened to have five male Ferrets! Now, she is their little sister, and Komari has decided SHE is a Ferret, too! Filed […]

Read More Ferret Friday BONUS!
October 16, 2015

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Welcome to Ferret Friday

“My sister has two lovely tube cats, Ronnie and Jimmy, here’s some of my favourite photos of them,” writes Jacqueline F. “The above photo is Ronnie being a ferret monorail. The last photo is of the two of them cuddling in their helmet-nest! Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Ferret Friday

Read More Welcome to Ferret Friday
October 16, 2015

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Ferret-Ferrying Flume Fails; Feds Frantic

DEER LOOGIE, MT — Operators of the Transcontinental Ferret Pipeline have reported a major breach, causing a ferret spill about one mile in diameter. Federal investigators cite human error as the cause, noting the pipeline had been accidentally set for both eastbound and westbound traffic. Endangered black-footed ferrets, via USFWS Mountain-Prairie.Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Ferret Friday, […]

Read More Ferret-Ferrying Flume Fails; Feds Frantic
October 9, 2015

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