Looks Like They Picked A Name!

Remember back on July 21st, we had this story about a Lil’ Otter who was rescued from the side of an Oregon highway, and taken to the Oregon Zoo? He needed a name, they held a contest, and the winner is…LITTLE PUDDING. Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Great name, ResQte, Sea Otter

Read More Looks Like They Picked A Name!
August 5, 2015

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Stair Master (Part II)

When you’re a little guy, those stairs can seem awfully daunting. (See Part I here.) Here we have another little guy facing the big challenge. And do you know what his name is? PEANUT BUTTER. (Speakers UP for the Prosh Whimpering.) (Squid.)Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Corgis, Great name, Speakers UP, Stumpers

Read More Stair Master (Part II)
July 29, 2015

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Chief Little Butt (Of The Pee-Pee-Foot Tribe)

“This is my studly pooch, Lincoln (aka Chief Little Butt of the Pee-pee-foot Tribe.) He has appeared on your Facebook page before and would love to be featured again. I just set this picture as the desktop background on my computer and now cannot concentrate on work because every time I close a folder I […]

Read More Chief Little Butt (Of The Pee-Pee-Foot Tribe)
July 19, 2015

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