Speakers UP For The BUB Motorboat

Let’s let BUB’s hoomin Mike B. tell the story: “This is a quick video i took yesterday morning after breakfast. Every morning after BUB eats, she asks to be held in my lap, and then proceeds to purr like a motorboat. While BUB has overcome a lot of physical difficulties, she is a truly happy […]

Read More Speakers UP For The BUB Motorboat
December 29, 2015

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One Post. Three Rules. With Squeaking.

Our latest Rule Of Cuteness states: #61: “If you use another animal as your bed, that’s cute. Match that with #53: “If your (or someone else’s) ears or tail cover your face for the purposes of sleeping, that’s cute.” Whoops, almost forgot: “#07: A thing, accompanied by a smaller version of that thing, is always […]

Read More One Post. Three Rules. With Squeaking.
December 23, 2015

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ResQte Of The Week (Monday UK Edition)

THIS JUST IN from Paul P.: “Lots of floods in the UK right now and animals getting rescued like these:” And Mike The Donkeh was rescued from a very bad situation in Kerry, Ireland. From the Animal Heaven Animal Rescue FB page.Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Hoomin Interaction, OMGDonkeys!1!!11!!1, ResQte, Speakers UP, This Just In!

Read More ResQte Of The Week (Monday UK Edition)
December 7, 2015

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ResQte Of The Week: Tribble

This kitteh was returned to the shelter TWICE! (He has a home now.) The story: first time, the owner died. Whoops. Second time, Tribble got stressed out living with four kids….imagine that. And you wonder WHY his name is Tribble? Click the video and don’t forget to turn those Speakers UP! (Mashable.)Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: […]

Read More ResQte Of The Week: Tribble
December 3, 2015

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