FULL Extension

Got this email today from Laurie D., with two terms I wasn’t familiar with. “Hmmm, no Splaycember…how about celebrating the Bellydays? I grabbed this picture of my Greyhound Coco. She loves cockroaching. The name comes from the fact that they look like a dead bug when they sleep like this. From the looks of the […]

Read More FULL Extension
December 4, 2015

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Hunt For Grey Nosevember (Part II)

Greyhounds are perfect for Nosevember due to their classically tapered snoots. Reader Dawn M. concurs. “As greyhounds are truly the perfect Nosevember participant, I submit to you Audrey (aka Audreykins or Fuzzy Britches.) Her parents love to take multiple photos of her as close as possible before she shows her “You have to do this […]

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November 19, 2015

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The Hunt For Grey Nosevember

“This is my foster greyhound Mary. She was comfy on the couch when I took this, even though her foot was kind of in the way of her magnificent schnozzle. I figure it is a bonus seeing her wee toofs.” -Laurie.Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Greyhound, Nosevember 2015

Read More The Hunt For Grey Nosevember
November 15, 2015

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The Hunt For Grey Nosevember

“This is my foster greyhound Mary. She was comfy on the couch when I took this, even though her foot was kind of in the way of her magnificent schnozzle. I figure it is a bonus seeing her wee toofs.” -Laurie.Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Greyhound, Nosevember 2015

Read More The Hunt For Grey Nosevember
November 15, 2015

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