Does This Mask Make My Nose Look Big?

It doesn’t, but you’re a prime candidate for Nosevember anyway! However, this photo was submitted with the subject line of “Halloween Pic,” so we’re going with that. “Here’s my Greyhound Hannah; photo taken by me, Deb H.” Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Early Nosevember Preview, Greyhounds, Halloween 2015

Read More Does This Mask Make My Nose Look Big?
October 19, 2015

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#Tocktober: All Things…What?

[*Note: Sometimes, when we get an email in, we reprint it verbatim, no editing. This is one of those times. -Ed.] “Hi Cute Overload! A little late for the 24-hour celebration of all things callipygian, butt here’s my submeesh: the divine Miss Schnozz (aka Juno) showing off her elephant ears. Enjoy! (Elephant ears = hamhock […]

Read More #Tocktober: All Things…What?
October 4, 2015

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