“♬ Singin’ In The Rain…Just Singin’ In The Raaaiiin….♫”

Despite what the Lions say- you’re the undisputed Lord Of The Jungle. But you’re also a bit shy and withdrawn. So that’s a conflict. But you also wanna join in with the fellas, and have a little fun. Show ’em you’re one of the gang, right? You ponder.. Then you ponder some more. Then…you GO […]

Read More “♬ Singin’ In The Rain…Just Singin’ In The Raaaiiin….♫”
November 18, 2015

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“♬ Singin’ In The Rain…Just Singin’ In The Raaaiiin….♫”

Despite what the Lions say- you’re the undisputed Lord Of The Jungle. But you’re also a bit shy and withdrawn. So that’s a conflict. But you also wanna join in with the fellas, and have a little fun. Show ’em you’re one of the gang, right? You ponder.. Then you ponder some more. Then…you GO […]

Read More “♬ Singin’ In The Rain…Just Singin’ In The Raaaiiin….♫”
November 18, 2015

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