“Hey Honey? How’d The Kitty Litter Get All Over The Floor?”

“I have no idea- The Cat hasn’t moved from the couch in hours. (Sigh.) I’ll clean it up.” ~ ~ ~ “Hi! Here’s a picture of my dog Rocky looking very guilty. I guess I caught him red-handed or should I say litter-nosed :D. Greetings from Finland, Tuija L.”Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: guilty guilty guilty, […]

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November 16, 2015

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I Mean- Could You LOOK More Guilty?

Let us introduce you to Benjamin Button. Judging by the look on his face, he’ll be spending ‘Tocktober in the sTOCKade to pay for his misdeeds. Somewhere, a roll of toilet paper cries out for justice. “In honor of ‘Tocktober, I rounded up some of my favorite pictures of my Wheaten, Benjamin Button, or Benji […]

Read More I Mean- Could You LOOK More Guilty?
October 5, 2015

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I’d Go For The Mea Culpa At This Point, Fellas

A couple of days back, we showed you Sebastian, a primo candidate for “Rule of Cuteness #32: If you’re caught doing something bad, it’s cute.” At this point, we should point out that this Rule is NOT, repeat NOT, limited to kittehs…nope. Doggehs get in trubble, too. (Womanfreebies.com.)Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: doggehs, guilty guilty guilty, […]

Read More I’d Go For The Mea Culpa At This Point, Fellas
September 16, 2015

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Ever Heard Of Rule Of Cuteness #32?

Ahem: “Rule of Cuteness #32: If you’re caught doing something bad, it’s cute.” Now, we’re not necessarily suggesting that Sebastian here has done something bad…although he looks guilty as can be. Has to have something to do with the case he’s sitting on. (Maybe he stuffed The Dog in there?) “Our naughty but extremely good […]

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September 12, 2015

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“Hey Honey? I Left Some Tater Tots In The Kitchen For You”

“I’m in the kitchen. I don’t see any Tater Tots. Wait a minute. Someone looks guilty. Hold on. Ralph? Get over here STAT.” (From RantPets.)Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: dog, guilty guilty guilty, Hey Honey, Impending Doom, Vine-Ripened!

Read More “Hey Honey? I Left Some Tater Tots In The Kitchen For You”
August 19, 2015

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