“Single Use Only???”

[Hey! There are TWO MORE OF US over here! Share the wealth, willya?] ~ ~ ~ “Dear C.O., we need a new Rule: ‘Piiiiinnnk Tongues make me faint with cuteness!’ Evidence: my 3 guinea piggies (L-R Pinky, Caramelitta & Pepper) showing you perfectly pink tongues.” -Best regards, Melina.Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Guinea Peegs, noms, The […]

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January 16, 2016

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Tuesdays Were Made For Trudy

“This is Trudy, our 6 month old rescue guinea pig, all stretched out after a long day of Wheeking and Popcorning,” says Kim N. Zoom in on the little back footie. Is that a Rule of Cuteness? Maybe “#47: Splayed haunch action is cute.” Or #19: “Dainty paws are cute.” or (new?) #63 “Pancaking is […]

Read More Tuesdays Were Made For Trudy
December 15, 2015

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