Looking Prosh In Pasadena!

Just the right size for a Christmas stocking, no? “I would like to submit some photos of our shelter kittens in their new Holiday Sweateuw. These kittens are hoping the sweateuws will help get them a home for the holidays. Photos are credited to Pasadena Humane Society. Thanks for your consideration.” -Jamie H.Filed under: Uncategorized […]

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December 15, 2015

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Tuesdays Were Made For Trudy

“This is Trudy, our 6 month old rescue guinea pig, all stretched out after a long day of Wheeking and Popcorning,” says Kim N. Zoom in on the little back footie. Is that a Rule of Cuteness? Maybe “#47: Splayed haunch action is cute.” Or #19: “Dainty paws are cute.” or (new?) #63 “Pancaking is […]

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December 15, 2015

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Merry Christmas!

What, you say? It’s only NOSEVEMBER 25th, not DECEMBER 25th! Ah, but that is the NAME of this puppeh! “Here’s a pic of our ResQte pup, Merry Christmas. We’ve had her since last December and she’s as sweet as can be!” -Tonya H., Cincinnati. Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Can’t wait 4 ResQte Of The Wk, […]

Read More Merry Christmas!
November 25, 2015

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Merry Christmas!

What, you say? It’s only NOSEVEMBER 25th, not DECEMBER 25th! Ah, but that is the NAME of this puppeh! “Here’s a pic of our ResQte pup, Merry Christmas. We’ve had her since last December and she’s as sweet as can be!” -Tonya H., Cincinnati. Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Can’t wait 4 ResQte Of The Wk, […]

Read More Merry Christmas!
November 25, 2015

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‘Nuff said. From Lisa D., who says “At the kitten nursery where I volunteer (the Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA in Burlingame, CA) when a kitten comes in without littermate we give them a stuffed friend to snuggle up with. This little girl became instant best friends with her new bunny friend. I think she’s […]

Read More Prosh
August 5, 2015

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Let The Sun Shine In!

Despite what your local TV station weather person might say- your forecast for today is LOTS OF SUN! “I’d love to share with you pictures of my Rescue Corgi Sun who was the happiest dog EVER on a hike this week. If you’d like to see more of her, you can check out my Instagram: […]

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August 5, 2015

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Let The Sun Shine In!

Despite what your local TV station weather person might say- your forecast for today is LOTS OF SUN! “I’d love to share with you pictures of my Rescue Corgi Sun who was the happiest dog EVER on a hike this week. If you’d like to see more of her, you can check out my Instagram: […]

Read More Let The Sun Shine In!
August 5, 2015

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