Want A Late Night Snack, Fellas?

OK here you go Rufus (Grey Rex) and Stanley (Brown Crested,) some nice grass for you. Now be good little Pigsters and eat it in Super Slo Mo, OK? “Thanks very much for posting video on Rufus and Stanley eating. There’s another one on Rufus, this time eating in slomo. Everytime I watch the video, […]

Read More Want A Late Night Snack, Fellas?
October 23, 2015

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I Am the Goddess of the Fall

Though the leaves may fall from the tree, mourn them not; For I wear them as my crown, proclaiming their once-green glory Into the white winter. Unless I start feeling a bit peckish, And then perhaps I shall nibble the leaves of the mighty maple tree Which really aren’t that bad if you know how […]

Read More I Am the Goddess of the Fall
October 15, 2015

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Waffles The Guinea Pig!

Hold on! No syrup on THIS Waffle! “Hi, my friend Risa’s boyfriend Alex shot this picture of my Peeg Waffles while they were pet sitting for me. She’s totes ready for her close up!” -Linda C.Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Guinea Pigs

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July 26, 2015

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