Hedgies. Wearing. Hats.

C.O. tries to stay on top of the latest fashion trends for fall. Top to bottom, we have Hettie, Hamlet, and Finley Q!

(Julie P.)Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: hedgies

Read More Hedgies. Wearing. Hats.
October 6, 2015

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Time For Bath Night!

Ah, it’s been a long week. Been mighty busy at Teh QTE, with our Tenth Anniversary a week ago, and then 24 Hours Of ‘Tocks this past Thursday. So it’s time to wind down a bit. Stretch out, relax, let your hoomin wash you off and then cuddle you up nice and warm and dry. […]

Read More Time For Bath Night!
October 4, 2015

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Willkommen, Oktoberfest

Oktoberfest is here once again, kicking off its annual 16 day Munich run yesterday- complete with beer (lots of it,) dancing, food, musik, and……Hedgies. Natürlich! Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: hedgies

Read More Willkommen, Oktoberfest
September 20, 2015

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Ollie And The Hedgehog

We couldn’t hold this one ’til Flashback Friday! Ollie The Puppeh meets a new friend, who…doesn’t LOOK quite like the others puppehs he knows! Who IS this spiky guy?? Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: BFFs, hedgies, puppehs

Read More Ollie And The Hedgehog
September 14, 2015

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