Holiday Windows: That’s A Wrap!

Now that Christmas is over, the SF SPCA would like to thank all of their supporters for another great Holiday Windows at Macy’s! This year, in just six short weeks, they were able to send home 261 animals, 220 cats and 41 dogs, raising $88,135 in the process! That money will go to supporting year-round […]

Read More Holiday Windows: That’s A Wrap!
January 13, 2016

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Headline THIS To Win A Prosh Puppeh Painting!

Take a peek if you will, at these Prosh Puppeh Paintings! “Here are a couple portraits I’ve done of some pretty cute pups. I donate 10% of proceeds to my local dog rescue, Augusta Dog,” writes Geiger H. So here’s the deal. Write up your best headline to the ABOVE photo– we’ll choose our […]

Read More Headline THIS To Win A Prosh Puppeh Painting!
January 5, 2016

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Folks, please say hi to Sammi! She was born back in August of ’12, and according to her mini bio on The Daily Puppy, “Sammi is a very clever and affectionate puppy. She loves to play fetch and gives the best cuddles.” Works for me. Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: puppehs

Read More Sammi
December 27, 2015

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SF Holiday Windows (Christmas Eve UPDATE!)

Got an update for you on the Macy’s Holiday Windows in San Francisco. All the windows are full of cute furballs that can be adopted on site! Krista M. of the SFSPCA says they are currently at 187 adoptions. Details on the photos below are in the hovers- above, “Two of our latest adoptions at […]

Read More SF Holiday Windows (Christmas Eve UPDATE!)
December 24, 2015

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Christmas In OZ: Santa’s Little Elf!

If there’s one puppeh that drives me nuts (causeIwantonesobad) it’s a Maltese. Having said that, meet Bella Fi-Fi. “Hope you will consider sharing pics of our beautiful baby Bella Fi Fi (Maltese X) counting down to her first Christmas. (Bella is a friend of Phoebe – they ‘work’ in the same office.) Merry Christmas!” -Kath […]

Read More Christmas In OZ: Santa’s Little Elf!
December 15, 2015

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