
What we have here—is a Peeg…wearing a Shark costume…eating a cupcake. On the beach. Sure, we see this ALL the time, right? Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: hoofsters

Read More Landshark?
December 31, 2015

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What’s A Poor Pig Gonna DO?

It seems that Edgar’s Mission resident Max just got a nice big blue ball. He really enjoyed playing with it. (Notice the past tense- enjoyed.) Problem is–Max did NOT take the time to read the fine print on the box which says “Do not squash this ball if you’re a huge pig.” So he did, […]

Read More What’s A Poor Pig Gonna DO?
December 23, 2015

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Back To School On Monday!

Prissy The Prosh Pigster is rockin’ a rather cool backpack, wouldn’t you say? Don’t forget your three-ring binder and pencil case! (Ooo, totally dating myself.) (Imgur/Reddit.)Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: hoofsters, Pigster

Read More Back To School On Monday!
August 30, 2015

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Happy (Six Month) Birthday, Pickle!

This Amazingly Prosh Leetle Hoofster is now 6 months old! What should we have to celebrate? Pickles? No, of course not- too obvious. Cake? Well….maybe. Oh- I know. ICE CREAM. Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: hoofsters, noms

Read More Happy (Six Month) Birthday, Pickle!
August 12, 2015

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Best :ninety Seconds You’ll Spend All Day

Just watch. Oh wait- we have another Piggie Video, this one c/o Megster: (It’s an Encore Presentaysh but totally worth it.) Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Do You Love Those Accents Or WHAT, hoofsters, Hoomin Interaction, Second video’s an Encore P.

Read More Best :ninety Seconds You’ll Spend All Day

Best :ninety Seconds You’ll Spend All Day

Just watch. Oh wait- we have another Piggie Video, this one c/o Megster: (It’s an Encore Presentaysh but totally worth it.) Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Do You Love Those Accents Or WHAT, hoofsters, Hoomin Interaction, Second video’s an Encore P.

Read More Best :ninety Seconds You’ll Spend All Day