It’s Busy At The Airports

Traveling here and there to see the relatives- everybody in a hurry to get to where they need to be before tomorrow night. Make sure you get to the airport EXTRA early. Maybe get one of the terminal baggage handlers to help you with your bag. Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: I am a sucker for […]

Read More It’s Busy At The Airports
December 23, 2015

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[*Note: If you couldn’t tell, these shots are by Deb Freytag. -Ed.] “This is Ralphie, an adorkable little Yorkie I had the pleasure photographing the other day! Thought I’d share! Perfect for Nosevember!”- Deb F. Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: I am a sucker for Yorkies, puppeh

Read More Yorkie MADNESS
November 15, 2015

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Ever Had One Of Those Mornings….

….where you JUST CAN’T get motivated to get outta bed? If you HAVE, you know what we’re talking about. If you (for some reason) HAVE NOT experienced this- here’s how it goes, Yorkie Style. Jennifer H. writes, “My daughter Karla took this video of our yorkie/poodle puppy Will, waking up after a nap.”Filed under: Uncategorized […]

Read More Ever Had One Of Those Mornings….
August 26, 2015

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What Are You Guys Looking At?

Oh, we’re just gazing at YOUR LITTLE SOCKLETS!! [*Note: Don’t think for one second this Yorkie didn’t know what he/she was doing. He/She knows FULL WELL that slipping socklets on and then tossing off a full-blown BAROO is gonna make us go nuts. -Ed.] (Imgur.)Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Baroo, I am a sucker for Yorkies, […]

Read More What Are You Guys Looking At?
April 10, 2015

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