Hey Mate, Read Me A Story, Right?

[Got it picked out here n’ everything. Warm up me bottle and scoot a chair on over. I’m not goin’ anywhere.] Wildfire! That’s what Jack and Annie are up against when they are whisked away to the land of Australia. And they’re not alone! Jack and Annie must help a baby kangaroo and a koala […]

Read More Hey Mate, Read Me A Story, Right?
January 1, 2016

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Ooh, Sorry ‘Bout That, Mate

Didn’t see yas standing there! You know how it is with us ‘roos — aces on the straightaways, bloody awful brakes. Anyway, your mate here’ll call you an ambo, gotta run, ta! Via Imgur.Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Kangaroos, Unusual Animals

Read More Ooh, Sorry ‘Bout That, Mate
September 25, 2015

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And if Anyone Knows About Hopping…

Dogs are pretty laid-back and mellow most of the time — but once and a while, something happens to make one hopping mad. That’s when smart dog owners call Kanga-Kounseling™, licensed kangaroo therapists to calm canine qualms. Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: GIF of the Week, Kangaroos, Loop-Dee-Doo, Pups, Unusual Animals

Read More And if Anyone Knows About Hopping…
August 18, 2015

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ResQte Of The Week II: Babs, Kununurra, Western Australia!

Karen A. wrote us yesterday and asked, “Would you be interested in featuring Babs on your site?” Well, let me think on that. OK I did. ABSOLUTELY! “She is an orphaned baby red kangaroo who lives at the Kangaroo Haven in Kununurra in Western Australia.” “The lady who runs it does amazing work. Here is […]

Read More ResQte Of The Week II: Babs, Kununurra, Western Australia!
July 16, 2015

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Buckle Up There, Dusty

Dusty The Kangaroo is living the good life in Western Australia- he was adopted by a family there after he lost his mom 🙁 and fits right in with the Stewart family’s assortment of puppehs. Read more about Dusty here, with thanks to Claire M.Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: ‘Cause it’s from Australia, Kangaroos, ResQte

Read More Buckle Up There, Dusty
April 25, 2015

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