This Is Not Possible

Be careful with this one. It’ll steal your soul and won’t think twice about it. Thanks to Leanne from Canberra, Australia.Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: koala, OZ

Read More This Is Not Possible
November 17, 2015

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So….You’re In The Aussie Outback…

…and all of a sudden: Crikey! A Koala decides it wants to chase your Honda tricycle thing AND HOP ONBOARD. What do you do? YOU HOOF IT OUTTA THERE LIKE A WOMBAT ON WHEELS! [From Mashable. *Note: mild NSFW language. -Ed.]Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Hoomin Interaction, koala, OZ

Read More So….You’re In The Aussie Outback…
August 17, 2015

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Love It, Meryl..But Juuuust A Little More To The Left..

[I love what you’re doing. You’re a know that, right? Wonderful. The camera LOVEs you. OK. Work with me here, and we’ll get this shot nailed down. We’re about to lose the light.] (Arne found it here.)Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: koala

Read More Love It, Meryl..But Juuuust A Little More To The Left..
July 1, 2015

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Love It, Meryl..But Juuuust A Little More To The Left..

[I love what you’re doing. You’re a know that, right? Wonderful. The camera LOVEs you. OK. Work with me here, and we’ll get this shot nailed down. We’re about to lose the light.] (Arne found it here.)Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: koala

Read More Love It, Meryl..But Juuuust A Little More To The Left..
July 1, 2015

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Now THERE Is A Nose Boop Candidate!

The Taronga Zoo announced a new addition to their family- this Prosh Koala Joey! This six month old Joey doesn’t have a name yet. She is still in Mom Wanda’s pouch and will stay there for at least the next four months. (ZooBorns.)Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: ‘Cause it’s from Australia, koala

Read More Now THERE Is A Nose Boop Candidate!
June 25, 2015

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“Oh…Hi! So You’re My Mom?”

Terrific video here from the folks at Symbio Wildlife Park as seen on BuzzFeed. Their article says this is the first time the two have ever met nose to nose face to face; the little guy/girl was born about 6.5 months ago, and spend all that time in the pouch. Welcome, lil’ mate! (Sent in […]

Read More “Oh…Hi! So You’re My Mom?”
June 8, 2015

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