Segmented Neutrophil. Wait. What?

Can…CELLS be QTE? The answer to THAT is YES! (And this one is singing Harry Connick Jr.!) “So, I’m learning to be a vet tech, and a couple weeks ago in the lab portion of one of my classes we were looking at blood smears. Imagine my surprise when I came across this white blood […]

Read More Segmented Neutrophil. Wait. What?
November 23, 2015

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“♬Green Acres Is The Place To Be…♫”

….faaaarm livin’ is the life, you see! Land, spreadin’ out so far and wide- Keep your kittehs just give us another ride! ~ ~ ~ “Mr. Biscuit (far left) gets Orwellian (Huh? -B.) and takes over a farm outside of Portland, OR. with his Oregon Tails pack! Toonces has nuthin’ on this lot! (Photo: Cole […]

Read More “♬Green Acres Is The Place To Be…♫”
November 23, 2015

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Got this video clip from Tommie in The Netherlands. Now, all I can really figure out is this video has a bunch of cats in it, and…that’s about it. And…this is from a musician. Anyone else care to add some info? (And a cat cleaning itself in a stereo speaker, well, that’s a first.) Filed […]

Read More Caturday: WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?
September 19, 2015

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S, Can-A-Da (Day)

“Attached is a picture of my Chihuahua “Teddy” dressed as an RCMP officer. Teddy will be debuting her costume in Banff during today’s Canada Day July 1 celebrations. Thanks for all the cuteness!”- Janet T.Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Canada Day eh?, Qte Tunes, Wah Wah

Read More S, Can-A-Da (Day)
July 1, 2015

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