“OK Niko, You Got Your Photo…”

“…….now hand over the peanuts and no one gets hurt! Please?” ~~~ “I’m a long-time fan of Cute Overload but think you need a bit more European representation in the squirrel department. I think this photo I took is the best, but I’ll let you decide. It’s hard to tell whether the fuzziness is the […]

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November 22, 2015

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Rafael Squirrel, Tennis Ace!

While tennis fans everywhere are pulling for Djokovic or Federer on Centre Court, C.O.’s personal favorite has to be…Rafael Squirrel. Shiro & friends are closely watching the action from The Royal Box. Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Squirrels

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July 12, 2015

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Secret Squirrel

… and when Victor returned to his birdhouse that evening, little did he realize that shadowy agents from the NSA (Neighborhood Squirrel Alliance) were listening in on his every move… Via Robert Engberg.Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Birds, Pocket Pets, Squirrels

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May 25, 2015

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This Is One of Those “Funny” Donuts, Isn’t It?

(sigh) No frosting, no sprinkles, no sugar… and those funny little seeds that get stuck in my front teeth. You just couldn’t have dropped something from Krispy Kreme, could you? My Morning Bagel, by Jesse Millan.Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: I’m Going to Eat You (with a schmear of cream cheese and a nice smoked salmon […]

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