Arlo & Jasper

“Here are Arlo and Jasper, 15 week old Burmese cross brothers from the UK,” write Stephen & Liz. “They love nothing more than playing and cuddling together but unfortunately 🙁 Jasper managed to fracture his leg two weeks ago. They are absolutely inseparable, so sweet natured and call to each other when Jasper is on […]

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May 19, 2015

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Lick. Sniff? Butt Wiggle! Bounce. Stumble. Repeat.

Look at Hattie The Westie, living large in the U.K. with her brother and sister. Again, we don’t know who is who- they should have little football jerseys, right? But they DO (most likely) have that Fresh Puppeh Smell. (Imagines a quick Hattie Snorgle:) Ahhhhhhh. FAVE FRAME! Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: British Humour, puppehs

Read More Lick. Sniff? Butt Wiggle! Bounce. Stumble. Repeat.
May 14, 2015

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MMMM, Cadbury’s Flake ninety nine

“Here are some pics I took yesterday in lovely Leamington Spa (UK) of a squirrel scoffing an ice cream (a Cadbury’s Flake 99, to be precise). The tubby little bugger had it all over his nose and chin by the time he’d finished with it.” -Mark.Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: British Humour, Sqwerl

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May 12, 2015

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Sooooo…It’s Election Day In The UK

Paul P. sent us a video of this cute birdeh, and remarked “This robin’s standing for election, I think.” The fact that it’s election day….and the bird is chirping on the fence at the PM’s house…must have some connection. UPDATE JUST IN: OK, we got an update from Paul. “That door is #10 Downing Street, […]

Read More Sooooo…It’s Election Day In The UK
May 7, 2015

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