And…That’s Gonna Be It For Planet Earth

Pikachu Marching. In Yokohama. Coming to YOUR town…..sooner than you think. Kotaku has the story (thanks again Carol H.) and they wrote “Listen to the whistle keep them all in lockstep. This could only be improved by one thing: The Imperial March.” We find your lack of faith disturbing. So, we, um, improved it. (Speakers […]

Read More And…That’s Gonna Be It For Planet Earth
August 12, 2015

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And…That’s Gonna Be It For Planet Earth

Pikachu Marching. In Yokohama. Coming to YOUR town…..sooner than you think. Kotaku has the story (thanks again Carol H.) and they wrote “Listen to the whistle keep them all in lockstep. This could only be improved by one thing: The Imperial March.” We find your lack of faith disturbing. So, we, um, improved it. (Speakers […]

Read More And…That’s Gonna Be It For Planet Earth
August 12, 2015

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And…That’s Gonna Be It For Planet Earth

Pikachu Marching. In Yokohama. Coming to YOUR town…..sooner than you think. Kotaku has the story (thanks again Carol H.) and they wrote “Listen to the whistle keep them all in lockstep. This could only be improved by one thing: The Imperial March.” We find your lack of faith disturbing. So, we, um, improved it. (Speakers […]

Read More And…That’s Gonna Be It For Planet Earth
August 12, 2015

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