Joey! How YOU Doin’?

OK, not THAT Joey from Friends. THIS Joey. According to the Symbio Wildlife Park YouTube page, “Isabelle The Koala received the best early Christmas gift of all, with the emergence of a ‘yet to be named’ baby girl from her pouch. A late season Joey, the six month old decided that it was time to […]

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December 13, 2015

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Right. Go AWAY, Then!

[Must have speakers up for this one. Mandatory.] So all we can figure is these two are having a bit of a spat, you see. (That’s what Lost At E Minor thinks, anyway.) The guy on the right is trying to make up to his girl on the left, and she’s not buying it. Or […]

Read More Right. Go AWAY, Then!
December 1, 2015

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Thundah From Down Undah!

The first Koala Joey of the season has emerged from Mum’s pouch at the Taronga Western Plains Zoo! He’s been named “Thunder,” and is Joey #2 for his Mum “Wild Child.” Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: Koalas, OZ

Read More Thundah From Down Undah!
August 29, 2015

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I’m Luke Skywalker, I’m Here To Rescue You!

No, we’re not done with the Star Wars references today. Earlier it was the Pikachu Imperial March, and now it’s…Koalas with Light Sabers. Of course. The original photo of a Cute Little Koala at the San Diego Zoo is above. And here he is once he’s got a bit of The Force in him: (Story […]

Read More I’m Luke Skywalker, I’m Here To Rescue You!
August 12, 2015

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