Bats! It’s Almost Halloween!

“Bats get a lot of bad press,” says Eve S. “But Halloween is their chance to shine. These are from Bat World Sanctuary, and they are the most prosh thing ever.” The Cute Overload Halloween 2015 Celebrayshe continues…Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: bats, Halloween 2015

Read More Bats! It’s Almost Halloween!
October 30, 2015

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ResQte Of The Week: Dateline, Singapore!

You will NOT believe this video. This little Bebeh Batski was lost and cried for help. Watch Mama swoop in to the rescue! Quoting the video, “The baby bat was found lost and stranded almost two hours prior to this reunion- it was amazing to see that the parent was around the area and was […]

Read More ResQte Of The Week: Dateline, Singapore!
October 15, 2015

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Bats, It’s Tuesday!

Jackie Sparrow is a flying fox who recently met actor Johnny Depp while he was filming in Australia! Adam Cox of Wakaleo Animal Channel sent us this terrific video, and images by Dean Morgan Photography/Rachael Wasiak. Trish Wimberley from the Australian Bat Clinic (site appears to be wonky at the moment) introduced the pair while […]

Read More Bats, It’s Tuesday!
September 29, 2015

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Captain Bat Sparrow

And now for something completely batty: Johnny Depp, as Captain Jack Sparrow, feeding a bat. The “Pirates of the Caribbean” star, on a break from filming in Australia, visited the Australian Bat Clinic to meet the premature-born flying fox he adopted last May.Filed under: Uncategorized Tagged: bats, CelebriQte, Unusual Animals

Read More Captain Bat Sparrow
July 28, 2015

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This Place Will Drive You Batty

Let’s make a visit to the The Australian Bat Clinic & Wildlife Trauma Centre, shall we? [*Note: Similiar to the Tolga Bat Hospital, see here and here. -Ed.] When you come across a Bunch O’ Bebeh Bats With Binkies- well, what are ya gonna do? Ya POST ’em, THAT’s what! These great organizations care for […]

Read More This Place Will Drive You Batty
April 9, 2015

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